Unit 2 The Flight Schedule 上海交通职业技术学院 民航服务英语口语教程》Part One: Warming-upIn aviation English three letters are often used to indicate various city airport names. These letters are know as cityairport :
航空英语缩略语释义(A-E)AE Architectural and Engineering 建筑和工程A-BPSK Aviation-Biphase Shift Keying 航空两相相移键控A-QPSK Aviation-Quadriphase Shift Keying 航空四相相移键控AG Air-to-Ground 空对地AAC Aeronautical Administrativ
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level航空英语面试有技巧航空英语面试主要包括: 成长背景学历经历以及现在状况??? 对上述说明应简洁不要偏重于上述4项的某一项或过多地占用时间需要特别提示的是如果面试官是外国人应该