单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Unit 2 What should I doPeriod 2Revision Whats the matterWhats the matter with youWhats wrongWhats wrong with you…怎么了用于询问发生何事或某人怎么了通常表示某人处在一种不好的境况中have a cold感冒Whats
一交际用语 you feeling better today Mrs. Silver (Yes thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) sir. Where to (Please get me to the airport) I want this report typed today. (Itll be ready in t
护士用语规范 一门诊 1导诊护士应主动热情地讲:同志您好欢迎您到我院来就诊今天您有什么不舒服请讲给我听根据您的症状请您到挂号窗口挂 x 科的号随后到 x 科门诊看病 2各诊疗室护士:同志您好请在此排队候诊 xx 同志请您到 x 号就诊室就诊病人就诊完毕应讲: 再见 当病人在候诊室吸烟时应讲: 同志为了您们的身体健康请您不要吸烟 3注射室护士:您好您叫什么名字今天来看什么病请您将注射证明及注
一交际用语 you feeling better today Mrs. Silver (Yes thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) sir. Where to (Please get me to the airport) I want this report typed today. (Itll be ready in t
交际用语1.看病Whats[w?ts] the matter [m?d?(r)] with [wie]you=Whats the trouble [tr?bl] with you你怎么啦Whats wrong [r??] with you=Whats your trouble=What happened to you你怎么了I have a headache. [hede?k]我头痛I ha
一交际用语A1.Are you feeling better today Mrs. Silver (Yes thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) 2.Afternoon sir. Where to (Please get me to the airport) 3.Ami I want this report typed toda