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春回大地万物 复苏融 化柳绿绿花红莺歌燕舞丁冬百花齐放百鸟鸟争鸣北风风五颜六色十万万火急小鸟千山万水千家万户春雷柳树醒柳絮絮飞柳枝枝软梳玩耍捉迷迷藏藏洗澡柳梢稍纺田野争论有趣到底底瞧见洒水点滴淋雨万里无云春风拂面高龄格外铁锹引人注目兴致勃勃茁壮满意笑容风景春风风北风狂风秋风金光光闪闪闪工作喜1气洋洋果实累累累春晓白发苍苍得意意扬扬扬春眠不觉晓闻啼鸟风雨声古This document was tru
郑旺中心小学小学生写字比赛专用纸班级: : 等级:This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. :
小学一年级上册生字表(二)复习闯关登记卡: 第一关:读音我最棒 1把字带回家(填序号)①四 ②十 ③三 ④山 ⑤足 ⑥少平舌音 翘舌音 ⑦生 ⑧今 ⑨升 ⑩门 平 心 前鼻音后鼻音第二关:认字最拿手 1汉字变戏法加一笔 日——( )( )( ) 减一笔 王——( )(
月 日 一年级上册生字(练字专用纸) PAGE 34一一一一一一二二二二二二三三三三三三 十十十十十十 木木木木木木 禾禾禾禾禾禾 上上上上上上 下下下下下下 土土土土土土 个个个个个个 八八八八八八 入入入入入入 大大大大大大 天天天天天天 人人人人人人 火火火火火火 文文文文文文 六六六六六六 七七七七七七 儿儿儿儿儿儿 九九九九九九 无无无无
辽逗退逃天毅逍述逢遇也代七成元仁至非担地This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. : : :
This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. : : :
AUTHOR Qoo20020828第 PAGE 1 页 DATE yyyy-M-d 2015-8-7This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. : : :
视发晚沙上报送台纸果灯笑电也也台报视送纸发上电沙灯果晚笑发上台视果纸也晚灯报沙送笑电 : : :
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This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. :
This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. :
长也山出马飞云鸟This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. : : :
This document was truncated here because it was created in the Evaluation Mode. :
看拼音写词试卷(第一单元) 得分chūn tiān shù yè y? shuǐ lí huā bái bùshān ɡǔ xìnɡ huā fā yá zú qiú fēi zǒujìnɡ sài tiào ɡāo yuǎn fānɡ biāo qiānɡ 赛 yóu yǒnɡ diǎn jī zhú zi bǐ huà hēi r