
#Finite Groups# 相关文档

  • Uniqueness_cases_in_odd_type_groups_of_finite_Morley_rank.pdf

    Uniqueness Cases in Odd Type Groups of FiniteMorley RankAlexandre V. BorovikSchool of Mathematics The University of ManchesterPO Box 88 Sackville St. Manchester M60 1QD BurdgesMathematisches Institut

    日期:2023-02-16 格式:.pdf 页数:16页 大小:292.32KB 发布:
  • On_finite_groups_whose_derived_subgroup_has_bounded_rank.pdf

    arXiv: [] 22 Jun 2007ONFINITEGROUPSWHOSEDERIVEDSUBGROUPHASBOUNDEDRANKK. PODOSKI and B. SZEGEDYAbstractLet G be a nite group with derived subgroup of rank r. We provethat G : Z2(G) ≤ G′2r. Motivated

    日期:2023-02-21 格式:.pdf 页数:8页 大小:128.71KB 发布:
  • Existence_of_quotients_by_finite_groups_and_coarse_moduli_spaces.pdf

    arXiv: [] 24 Aug 2007EXISTENCE OF QUOTIENTS BY FINITE GROUPS ANDCOARSE MODULI SPACESDAVID RYDHAbstract. In this paper we prove the existence of several quotientsin a very general setting. We conside

    日期:2023-02-18 格式:.pdf 页数:34页 大小:426.39KB 发布:
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