CONGESTION C ON T R OL I N C OMPUT E R N E T W OR KS :I SSUES AN D T R E N D SRaj JainDi gi tal Equi pmen t Corp .550 Ki ngSt. (LK G 1-2A19)L i ttl et on MA 01460In terne t : JainEr la ne t . DE C.
1Multi-layer Multicast Congestion Control inSatellite EnvironmentsJun Peng and Biplab SikdarElectricalputer and Systems Engineering DepartmentRensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy NY 12180fp
Performance Analysis of Reactive Congestion ControlBased upon Queue Length Threshold ValuesM. KatoaY. OiebM. MuratacH. MiyaharacaDepartment of Electronics and Information Engineering Ariake NationalCo
Implicit Hop-by-Hop Conge stion Co ntrol in W ireless Multiho p NetworksBjrn Sche uerma nn Chris tian Loc hert Martin Ma uvePII: S1570-8705(07)00015-7DOI: 1 .2007 . 1Re feren ce: ADHOC 223To appe ar
Congestion Con trol in MulticastT ransp ort Proto colsRa jib GhoshGeorge V arghesewucs-98-19June 29 1998Departmen t ofputer ScienceCampus Bo x 1045W ashington Univ ersit yOne Bro okings Driv eSt.
Routing-based Video Multicast Congestion ControlJun Peng and Biplab SikdarElectricalputer and Systems Engineering DepartmentRensselaer Polytechnic Institute110 8th St. Troy NY 12180 USAAbstract. C