单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级英文简历写作要领1.何谓英文简历英语简历是用英语介绍的个人学历工作经历能力业绩性格等的书面报告简历用词: (英英) Curriculum Vitae(英澳新等企) (美英) Personal History 偶用Data Sheet 现 通用 Resume港澳
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Creating a Great ResumeLanding a job is not the purpose of the resume rather its purpose is to help you obtain a job interview.A resume is a marketing tool — an adv
英文简历各部分写作对策Strategies for WritingEach Part of an English Resume1 个人:基本信息用人单位要求如前面简历范例所示个人包括地址联系等基本内容从前个人还须列出例如身高体重性别年龄健康状况及婚姻状况等十分private的信息现在在有些国家被法律禁止但如果你自己愿意招聘单位又要求提供就另当别论(1)在祖国大陆一直以
Session 3 Writing for ApplicationCVsCover Lettersand Letters of Rmendation Types of CV (or: Résumé)Curriculum VitaechronologicalfunctionabinationParts of CV (or: Résumé)Main heading Objectiv
HYPERLINK :51 Tips from a Recruiter: Dont Make Me Read Your ResumeI will read your résumé unless its? HYPERLINK : t _blank 10 pages but (just as you didnt want to write your résumé)?
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level.themegallerypany LogoThe Job SearchResearching Occupations andpaniesWriting