62611??Hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation for the NCEP GFSTom Hamill for Jeff WhitakerNOAA Earth System Research Lab Boulder CO Kleist Dave Parrish and John DerberNational Centers for En
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Global Ensemble and NAEFSYuejian Zhu and Zoltan TothEnvironmental Modeling CenterNOAANWSNCEPAcknowledgements: R. Wobus M. Wei B. Cui D. Hou M. Iredell and S. J. Lord EMCB. Gorden S. Jacobs and D. M
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级非静力平衡中尺度数值模式mm5简介杨侃2006年9月8日 所谓数值天气预报就是从大气初始状态出发对支配大气运动的动力和热力方程组进行时间积分就得到了大气状态的预报因此数值预报问题主要分为两个方面一个是初值场的确定一个是对大气方程组的时间积分数值模式基本概念(一)数值模式基本概念(二)全球模式区域模式气候模式天气模式 谱模式
Jason KnievelATEC Forecasters Conference July and August 2006Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and the WRF ModelJason KnievelMaterial contributed by: George Bryan Jimy Dudhia Dave Gill Josh Hacker
Slide titleBody textsecond levelthird levelfourth levelfifth levelThe Met Offices New Global and Mesoscale NWP ModelsGlenn Greed Sean Milton Ian CulverwellDavid Cameron and Dingmin Li plus many DYNAM