Click to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird level? 2010 IBM CorporationClick to edit Master title styleIBM Power Systems? 2010 IBM CorporationClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird le
POWER7 产品支持的操作系统POWER7AIXIBM iLinuxVIOSPS700 PS701PS702AIX V5.3 TL12 or later AIX V5.3 TL10 SP5 AIX V5.3 TL11 SP5 AIX V6.1 TL06 or later AIX V6.1 TL05 SP3 or later AIX V6.1 TL04 SP7 or later AIX V
Click to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird level? 2010 IBM CorporationClick to edit Master title styleIBM Power Systems? 2010 IBM CorporationClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird le