Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.delivery n.投递交付分娩 demand vt.要求需要询问 democracy n.民主民主制 democratic a.民主的民主政体的 demonstrate vt.说明论证表露 dense a.密集的浓厚的 density n
Capitalism Socialism and DemocracyCoherencies and Contradictions1Capitalism DemocracyInherently linkedNoCapitalism also linked to non-democratic regimes (. China).2Socialism DemocracyMutually excl
parative Politics 1POL1010Lecture 321st October 2004 3-4pmWhat is DemocracyLecture PlanTypes of political systemDefinitions of democracyIssues associated with democracyModels of democracyStrength
Human Rights and Democracparative Government POL10102 March 2001Nicola Pratt1OverviewWhat are human rightsWhat role do they play in democracyHow are they guaranteedWhy are some people against hu