批判性思维 Critical Thinking第六讲(Lecture 6)非形式谬误(2)(Informal fallacies 2)Fallacies of Weak InductionPremises are relevant to the conclusion but not strong enough to draw the . Appeal to Unqualified Authorit
Logical Fallacies in the Literature on Human EmbryonicStem Cell ResearchJeff Koloze Statemunity of Logical FallaciesLogical fallacies are those errors in thinking which occur when rules of rea
Effective ArgumentationProf. R. CherubinCorrected URLs Some web sites identifying and explaining logical and argumentative fallaciesLogical Fallacies and the Art of Debate (G. Whitman California Sta
.自相矛盾 楚国有个既卖盾又卖矛的人(他)称赞他自己(的盾)说:我这盾牌的坚固没有东西能使它被刺穿(他)又称赞他的矛说:我这矛的锋利对于任何东西没有不能被它刺穿的有人说:用你的矛去刺你的盾牌会怎么样这个卖东西的人不能够回应了那不能被刺穿的盾牌和没有不能刺穿的矛是不可能同时存在的Created with an evaluation copy of . To discover the full