Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.一次函数中考真题回顾一一选择题1. (2011安徽芜湖44分)函数中自变量的取值范围是 ( ). A. B. C. D. 【答案】A2. (2011安徽芜湖74分)已知直线经过点和则的值为
回顾整理根据53×8=424在括号里填上适当的数53×80=( ) 53×800=( )530×80=( ) 53×( )=424000我会判(1)80×500的末尾有3个0( )(2)24×5和25×4的积相等都是100( )3.估一估下面各个算式的积与哪个数最接近并连线498×89 42000503×31 45000597×39
818001Event: In this setting we are talking about some uncertain event. The oue of which is uncertainOue: The result of an observation of the event once the uncertainty has been : The l