单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Hello everybody Today our topic is about a popular TV series .Its name is The Big Bang TheoryPRESENTED BY: X YlThe Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸天才理论传)
-Sheldon:So if a photon (particle of light) is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed it will not go through both slits.If its unobserved it will. However if its obser
《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录总有一部美剧适合你 也许是看俊男美女纠结恋爱时尚穿着也许是乐一群科学宅男个性生活古怪可爱也许是迷心理生理科学伪科学各种破案手段也许是盼暧昧多年男女主角修成正果也许是听小朋友欢天喜地载歌载舞…… 看美剧我们学到了英语学美剧我们看到了生活(考研共享 辛苦搜集整理 更多学习请考研共享 文章来自沪江英语)《生活大爆炸》Sheldon经典语录:我
第一季 11集:The Pancake Batter Anomaly-Sheldon: Checkmate.将军-Leonard: Again又-Sheldon: Obviouslyyou are not well suited for three-dimensional chess很显然你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋Perhaps three-dimensional candy land wo
第一季8集: The Dumpling Paradox-Sheldon:Damn you walletnook去死吧隐蔽钱包网s-Leonard:Problem有麻烦了-Sheldon:The online description waspletely misleading.上的介绍完全是在误导人They said eight slots plus removable I
第一季四集: The Luminous Fish Effect-Sheldon: you know Ive been thinking about time travel again.我最近一直在想着时光旅行-Leonard:Why did you hit a roadblock with invisibility为什么你又撞上看不见的路障了-Sheldon: Put it on the b
第一季 2集: The Big Bran Hypothesis-Howard: But does it have peanut oil但有花生油吧-Leonard: Im not sure.我不清楚Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.你们每个人都盯着Howard以防他突然肿胀-Sheldon: Since
细胞有丝分裂生命从这里开始又称为间接分裂由W. Fleming (1882)年首次发现于动物及E. Strasburger(1880)年发现于植物特点是有纺锤体染色体出现子染色体被平均分配到子细胞这种分裂方式普遍见于高等动植物(动物和低等植物)是真核细胞分裂产生体细胞的过程细胞核复制:细胞核(nucleus)是细胞中最大最重要的细胞器它是由核膜(nuclear membrane)核骨架(nu
S4E24 – The Hot Troll?DeviationScene: The Cheesecake Factory.Penny: Hey you guys ready to orderHoward: Uh sure.Penny: Okay PriyaPriya : Uh Ill have the shepherds pie. You want to split that with me
第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox-Howard:Watch this its really cool.看这个真的很酷Call Leonard Hofstadter.呼叫Leonard Hofstadter-Machine:Did you say: Call Helen Boxleitner您说的是呼叫Helen Boxleitner吗-Howard:No. Call L