如何应对SAT作文写作时间问题摘要:很多考生在谈到SAT作文的写作时间时都反映说觉得时间不够用其实要求考生在那么短的时间写出一篇主题明确用词恰当的文章对考生来说是一个不小的挑战那如何应对SAT作文写作时间问题呢根据经验SAT作文长度与实际得分是成正比关系的虽说这话对于想考出学生智商来说的SAT考试来说很有讽刺意味不过现实中我们却无法阻止这种倾向的存在 时间就是生命时间就是金钱时间就是分数啊
Real SAT essay topic – from March 2005 through December 2007March 2005Prompt 1Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.Given the importance of hum
一.? ?? ???主流权威他人观点媒体广告1.? ?? ???Is the opinion of the majority—in government or in any other circumstances—a poor guide (2005.3)2.? ?? ???Are people afraid to speak out against authority whether th
SAT作文例子1.?????? The Last Leaf by O. HenryJohnsy is an inhabitant of an art colony in Greenwich Village where pneumonia is taking its toll. Eventually Johnsy is stricken with the disease and gives u