保加利亚共和国签证材料清单请先确认您护照有效期需留有6个月的有效期若无因公护照或有效期不足请先办理因公护照一签证材料清单:1签证申请表(请至外事处-表格下载-出国出境中心-各国签证表格下载)2白底两寸彩照一张(贴到申请表上) 3有效护照(有效期6个月以上并有空白页) 4官方商务邀请函原件和2份复印件(由保加利亚到保加利亚内政部申请由内政部开具的官方文件)5保方说明函原件和2份复印件(
外商来华邀请函格式A FORMAL VISA INVITATION格式抬头TOATTENTION: A FORMAL VISA INVITATIONDear Sir or Madam:We are very pleased to invite Mr. e to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The busin
Sample letter 1 Dear President Stephen Smith I am pleased to extend the official invitation to the group of ten members from University of Western Australia headed by Vice President Gary Jo
__________________的邀请函申请表(______________________商务邀请函): Name: 性别: Sex: 出生日期: Date of Birth: 护照:Passport No.: 职位: Title: 名称及联系: pany Name and Contact No.:Telephone No.: 地址: 邮政编码: