单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Business English Introduction UnitObjectives: Uponpletion of the unit you should be aware of:the general information of Business Englishthe general informat
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelBEC Vantage 王冬 北京新东方学校09年BEC中级笔试时间上半年: 5月30
BEC(中级)精选写作范文15篇内部-必备Model 1推销信Dear CustomerWhen someone in the family experiences hearing loss he is not the only one to experience frustrationHave you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conv
BEC中级考试题型分析与应试技巧 BEC属于英国剑桥大学考试委员会推出的商务英语考试其阅读部分的风格正如雅思等一系列剑桥出品:题型丰富技巧性强BEC中级部分共有五种题型分别是搭配题填句子阅读理解完型填空和改错从能力要求上看前三类考察的都是快速阅读寻找要点匹配的 BEC属于英国剑桥大学考试委员会推出的商务英语考试其阅读部分的风格正如雅思等一系列剑桥出品:题型丰富技巧性强BEC中级部分共有五
Teamwork 团队合作重要性We should pay attention to teamwork.you will get bored quickly if you work on your ownbut if you work in a teamit would be a different story.and it is easy for participants in a tea