机电学院31模式技能教育CAD练习图纸总学时: 学时 技能培训学院 2008年11月9日用实体体命令画三维图Created with an ev
计算机辅助设计习题集上机练习1:完成下列操作(8min)设置标题栏显示完整路径建立一个CAD文件并保存成cad2000图形文件改变绘图窗口的背景颜色设置CAD自动保存时间为2分钟新建cad图件重命名随意绘图保存然后打开它的BAK文件打开一个自动备份.sv 文件调出『对象捕捉工具栏』上机练习2:运用所学的CAD知识绘制下列图形只需要绘制圆与矩形(即粗线部分)辅助线与标注不要求绘出(10min)
CAD练习图Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: :products.asposewords
CAD基础练习Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: :products.asposewords
大量CAD练习图(初学必备)Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: :products.asposewords