英文邮件必备黄金句如今大家在工作中越来越多遇到要和老外打交道的情况这时你就需要用英文来和他们联系在网络通信高度发达的今天电子邮件可以说是最为常用的之一以下就为大家提供一些比较实用的英文邮件用语你要好好掌握哦英文邮件必备黄金句 1. Initiate a meeting发起会议I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about
注册会计师 - 财务成本管理第 PAGE 1 页买新课X:第 02 讲实用句型第二编实用句型Part 2常用句型实用句型Useful sentences与…不同Be different from…与…合并Merged with…与…联系Connect … with …与…相pared with …与…相关的Relate to…实用句型Useful sente
雅思口语常用句型背诵一口语考试套话倒背如流1. 与考官见面用语Glad to meet you nice to see seeing are youIm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you m glad to meet m please to meet ts a pleasure to meet . 对考官所提问题完全听不懂Coul
如何用英语问路?1. 用英语问路的常用套语:Excuse me where is …pleaseExcuse me could you tell me the way to … Excuse me how can I get to …Excuse me is there aan…near hereExcuse me which is the way to…Excuse me would yo