Klicken Sie um das Titelformat zu bearbeitengI I College I BK I KUKA Roboter GmbH Hery-Park 3000 D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-1906 Fax: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-2340 ? Copyright by KUKA Roboter
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Unit 3 putersreadingkeyboardmousemonitorscreenspeaker hostputer What do they have inmonAn abacusA calculatorA desktopA notebookputerdigital camera
Klicken Sie um das Titelformat zu bearbeitengI I College I BK I KUKA Roboter GmbH Hery-Park 3000 D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-1906 Fax: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-2340 ? Copyright by KUKA Roboter
HardwareCPUAmlogic?S812 Quad core Cortex A9r4 2GHzGPUOcto-core Mali-450MP GPU up to 600MHz3DHardward 3D graphics accelerationMemoryDDRIII 2GBFlashNand Flash 8GB (432GB Optional)WiFiSupport 802.11 abgn
HardwareSoftwareWorkshopS7-200 Click to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelMPI S7-200 S7-300MPI 通信MPI MPI 1概述简介必备条件编程示例硬件组态S7-300 程序说明通信测试 提纲2S7-200 S7-300 MPI 通信23
Introduction to Scientificputing on BUs Linux ClusterDoug SondakLinux Clusters and Tiled Display WallsBoston UniversityJuly 30 – August 1 2002hardwareparallelizatiopilersbatch systemprofiler
Klicken Sie um das Titelformat zu bearbeitengI I College I BK I KUKA Roboter GmbH Hery-Park 3000 D-86368 Gersthofen Tel.: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-1906 Fax: 49 (0) 8 2145 33-2340 ? Copyright by KUKA Roboter