选修七第四单元练习第一节 语法词汇单项选择1.This is one of the best films _______ have been shown this year.A. thatB. which C. whenD. what2.Can you lend me the book ______the other dayA. about which you talkedB. which
In American slang when something bombs it failspletely. So if you fail a test you bombed it.在美国俚语中当某事惨败(bomb)时这件事情彻底失败了所以如果你考试没及格你考砸了We also often use bomb this way when talking about movies plays
「這部電影是她從影以來最佳的□□□」空格中應填入下列何者 eq oac(○1)處女作 eq oac(○2)假動作 eq oac(○3)代表作 eq oac(○4)代替品《答案》3