Extensive readingDictation1. There was no doubt that the house belonged to my . We will look into the matter tomorrow when the owner will be . I
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级大学英语四级词汇听写(三)Dictation (3)disturbdistresstortureconfusenuisancemysterymessstirviceblenddissolveexcludediscourageinterruptinterferesuspendprohibitforbidrestrictconfi
逗号1)用在并列连词连接的两个并列词句之间连词可说出也可省略Eg. I can read light serious amusing or profound works of English authors.(词)You can meet him at church at school or on the street. (短语) He was tired so he took a rest
Dictation for unit1(Book7)1. 1. I am very o_________ and have learned to a_______ ________ my .I used to dream ____ playing professional . My life is ___ ____ easier at high school because my f__