主机排气阀空气弹簧漏泄导致起动失败故障一例分析 某集装箱船主机型号MAN BW 6L80MC额定功率20 600KW额定转速93rminDGU-8800e调速器AUTO-CHIEF-IV主机遥控系统1997年9月出厂营运排气阀结构见图1故障简述某日该轮靠泊时外界条件和船速都正常却起动失败转至集控室起动仍未成功转至机旁应急操纵才满足了驾驶台的用车要求靠泊后主机操纵方式转至驾驶台遥控反复多次正倒
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How are things going with the main engine(How does the main engine work)主机情况怎样It has a little trouble.有点小毛病Whats the problem怎么回事A leakage was found in No. 5 injector pump.5号缸高压油泵漏油Have you taken so