Parametric EHA ModelsSociology 229A: Event History AnalysisClass 6Copyright ? 2008 by Evan SchoferDo not copy or distribute without permissionAnnouncementsAssignment 4 dueAssignment 5 handed outCla
Multinomial LogitSociology 8811 Lecture 10Copyright ? 2007 by Evan SchoferDo not copy or distribute without permissionAnnouncementsPaper 1 due March 8Look for data NOWLogit: Real World Example Go
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级中国社会的婚姻与家庭Marriage and family in Chinese society我们目前已经习以为常的家庭形态:一夫一妻制婚姻平权关系年轻夫妇单独或者与未婚子女居住父母与子女之间的亲情------familia是个拉丁词出现在罗马从famulus(仆人)派生出来Familia大概指的是生活在同一屋顶下的全体奴隶
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级The undesirable: the people who are not weed or wanted because they may affect a situation or person in a bad waytramp: someone who has no job or home and moves
Day5 社会经济类Sociology(society)社会学(社会)Regime政体Hierarchy等级制度统治阶级Political政治的Democratic民主的Republic共和政体Congress国会Parliament国会议会Senator参议munalmunity)公共的社区的(社区)Municipal市政的自治的Infrastructure基础设施Urban(u
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