coding: utf-8class IdGenerator:? ? def __init__(self key client):? ? ? ? self.key = key? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? def init(self n):? ? ? ? self.client.set(self.key n)? ? def gen(self):? ? ? ? ne
encoding: utf-8def makement_list_key(topic_id):? ? return bbs::topic:: str(topic_id) :mentsclassmentList:? ? ? ? 创建一个列表来记录某一帖子下的所有评论(的 ID)? ? ? ? def __init__(self client topic_id):? ?
coding: utf-8class Cache:? ? def __init__(self client):? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? def put(self name content):? ? ? ? self.client.set(name content)? ? def get(self name):? ? ? ? return self.clien
encoding: utf-8def make_following_key(uid):? ? return weibo::user:: str(uid) ::followingdef make_fans_key(uid):? ? return weibo::user:: str(uid) ::fansclass RelationShip:? ? def __init__(self cli
encoding: utf-8class UniqueCounter:? ? def __init__(self client key):? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? ? ? self.key = key? ? def include(self element):? ? ? ? self.client.pfadd(self.key element)? ? def
20091010教程:使用QT建立Python GUI应用程序:Alex Fedosov 翻译:单手拍掌欢迎时请保持版权信息的完整性译者注:本教程使用的是QT3QT的最新版本为4.5?Python 是一种有着许多令人惊叹的特性的伟大语言但其默认的GUI包(TkInter)相当难看另外谁愿意手工输入所有GUI代码呢做为替代一个更好的建立Python GUI程序的方法就是使用Trol
def __init__(self client):? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? ? ? self.post_list = make_index_key()? ? def push(self post_id):? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 将文章推入到列表里面? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? self.client.lpush(self.post_list pos
python中文兼容问题striinglistdict不同显示结果 编辑test.py文件如下: -- coding: cp936 -- a = 中文 b = [中文] c = [1:中文中文:2] print a print b print c 运行之后在shell当中得到的结果: 中文 [xd6xd0xcexc4] {xd6xd0xcexc4: 2 1: xd6xd0xcexc4} 如
encoding: utf-8class Lottery:? ? def __init__(self key client):? ? ? ? self.key = key? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? def add_player(self users):? ? ? ? self.client.sadd(self.key users)? ? def get_all
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level? 2000 Richard P. MullerPython Short CourseLecture 1: Python OverviewRichard P. MullerMate
按一下以編輯母片標題樣式按一下以編輯母片第二層第三層第四層第五層Click to edit Master text stylesSecond LevelThird levelFourth levelClick to edit Master title stylePython Tutorial 4Laboratory for Reliableputing Department of Elec
encoding: utf-8class UniqueSet:? ? def __init__(self client key): ? ?? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? ? ? self.key = key? ? def add(self element):? ? ? ? self.client.sadd(self.key element)? ? def is_i
本文由gao_yingju贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳建议您优先选择TXT或下载源文件到本机查看 不老的新丁 Python 何以让人着迷 :developer.51ctoart201009226531.htm :developer.51cto 2010-09-15 14:53 Wesley Chun Py
encoding: utf-8class RankList:? ? def __init__(self key client):? ? ? ? self.key = key? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? def incr(self item increment=1):? ? ? ? 注意在 redis-py 客户端中? ? ? ? zincrby() 方法是先
1:Python如何实现单例模式 Python有两种方式可以实现单例模式下面两个例子使用了不同的方式实现单例模式:1.class Singleton(type):def __init__(cls name bases dict):super(Singleton cls).__init__(name bases dict)cls.instance = Nonedef __call__(cls
encoding: utf-8from redis import WatchErrordef make_vote_up_key(topic_id):? ? return bbs::topic:: str(topic_id) ::vote_updef make_vote_down_key(topic_id):? ? return bbs::topic:: str(topic_id) ::v
encoding: utf-8from category import Categoryfrom time import time as current_timedef make_tab_member_key(name):? ? return bbs::tab:: name ::memberdef make_tab_list_key(name):? ? return bbs::tab::
不老的新丁 Python何以让人着迷 HYPERLINK :developer.51ctoart201009226531.htm :developer.51ctoart201009226531.htm HYPERLINK :developer.51cto :developer.51cto??2010-09-15 14
encoding: utf-8class Autplete:? ? def __init__(self client):? ? ? ? self.client = client? ? def feed(self phrase):? ? ? ? 对于输入 u周杰伦 来说? ? ? ? 这个 for 循环会执行以下命令:? ? ? ? ZINCRBY uautoplete::周
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