The minute you think of giving up think of the reason why you held on so long.在你想要放弃的那一刻想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里.Tom wants to be a lawyer because he feels it is a very??B??occupation and he has always wanted
难点解析occupy vt. 居住 占有[助记] occupation n. 占领 占用 占有 (不可数) 工作 职业[典型例句] 1) Enemy troops occupied the country. 敌军占领了这个国家2) My time is fully occupied by my daily work. 我的日常工作占用了我所有时间3) His mind was occupied
Approvals审 批Dept.部门Occupation职务NameSignature签名Date日期Issued by制定人XXXXXXXX文件的起草者XXXXReviewed by审核人MD制造部经理或助理生产工艺流程及关键技术参数的确认相关生产文件引入的准确性和全面性XXXXReviewed by审核人RMD新药与市场部经理或助理生产工艺与注册工艺的吻合性XXXXReview
Occupation 小马摇缰铃似问有否误唯闻飒飒声寒风共雪舞 密林景色美信誓不可移安眠不可得尚须行数里What is the symbolical meaning of woods And how about the the villageHow do you understand the darkest evening of the yearIdentify the figures of