It is difficult not to be angry when you are in prison for twenty years.当你在监狱呆了20年之久不生气是很难的Elizabeth didnt know what to do. Sometimes she believed Moray sometimes she didnt. 伊丽莎白不知道该怎样做她有时相信马里有时候不She
昔日江洋大盗偷遍近半个中国狱中忏悔自编《防盗手册》揭开盗窃内幕教您防盗 H=Cg)R ?Pa<XIp0qi<6 ?6Yo8R ? 他是广西河池人曾是江洋大盗开锁高手盗窃历史长达13年最疯狂的一次是他带着几个人开着小货车一晚上连续盗窃36户人家不过他终被捕判刑4年在监狱中他自编《防盗手册》揭秘盗窃内幕出狱后他到各地现身说教用自己做小偷的经历教人们在日常生活中如何防盗??
Elizabeth didnt give me her army. She put me in prison. You know this James—it is the story of your life not mine. 伊丽莎白没有给我她的军队她把我关进了监狱你知道这些的詹姆斯——它是有关你生活的故事不是我的I was twenty-five years old when I came