Day 141词义辨析:SpeechAddressLectureTalkHarangueOrationSermonHomily讲话speech是指任何对的讲话正式的或者非正式的即席的或者预先准备好的也无论听众水平高低等柯林斯解释为A speech is a formal talk which someone gives to an audience.如:She is due to make a
Day96词义辨析:MurmurWhisperMumbleMutterGrumble低语这几个词不太好区别都是低声说话嘟哝从声音大小排列可以这样来看:Grumble - Loudest of the bunch most angry. Loud enough that you can understand at least half of the words said.声音最大Mutter - A
Day 143词义辨析: (一) StagePhaseStep阶段stage是指活动过程或时期的阶段部分柯林斯解释为A stage of an activity process or period is one part of it.如:The way children talk about or express their feelings
Day98词义辨析:NeglectIgnoreDisregardOverlook忽视neglect是指不管是有意还是无意的疏忽了理应做到的事情它可能会持续一段时间并且会带来可以预见的后果柯林斯的解释是If you neglect someone or something you fail to look after them properly.即是没有能够照顾好某人某物疏于照顾或者If you n
Day 78词义辨析:InvestigateExploreResearchProbe调查研究investigate是为了弄清真相而进行的调查柯林斯解释为If someone especially an official investigates an event situation or claim they try to find out what happened or what is the
Day 70词义辨析:HelpAssistAidSupport帮help最常用是帮助帮忙内涵主要是以积极的态度给与各方面的帮助包括提供信息建议甚至金钱等help强调受助者得到帮助或者好处并且受助者对帮助的需要它可以搭配help someone with something如:May I help with the washing-up我帮你洗餐具好吗If youre not willing to
Day 91词义辨析:MatterMaterialSubstanceStuff物质东西matter比较正式在物理中指的是形成一切的有形物质 Matter is the physical part of the universe consisting of solids liquids and gases.或某一类型的物质 You use matter to refer to a particula
Day 68词义辨析:HappenTake placeOccur现发生出现这三个词有时候可以通用尤其是主语为某种变化某种事件请注意下面搭配三个词都是可以的a change happensoccurstakes placean event or an accident happensoccurstakes placebe likely to happenoccurtake placehappenso
Day 65词义辨析:GratefulThankfulGladIndebtedAppreciative感激grateful是感恩表示从别人那里得到了帮助别人为你做了什么或者别人没有做让你难堪的事情你自然而然产生的暖心的友好的想谢谢他的一种感情如:She was grateful to him for being so good to her...他对她这么好令她很感激I was grateful
Day 69词义辨析:HateDislikeLoatheDetestAbhorAbominate恨按照轻重程度分dislike最轻hate程度重了一点最恨是loathedetestabhorabominatehate柯林斯词典解释为If you hate someone or something you have an extremely strong feeling of dislike for
Day 159词义辨析:TurnChangeConvertTransform变turn当变成成为的意思总是与into或者搭配使用柯林斯解释为To turn or be turned into something means to be that thing.如:A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.
Day 84词义辨析:LeisureSpare TimeFree Time空闲leisure柯林斯解释为Leisure is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy.是指可以不用工作放松下来做自己喜欢的事情的闲暇空闲它非常正式更多的指任何社会的总体情况尤其用在商务语境下如:Th
Day 147词义辨析:SuccessionChainProgressionSequenceSeriesStringTrain一系列succession是指类似的事物或者事件一个接一个在时间上相继出现或者空间上经过人为排列没有中断柯林斯解释为A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happe
Day 135词义辨析:ShelterRefugeCoverAsylumSanctuary庇护所shelter通常指临时的庇护场所尤其指躲避恶劣天气或者危险柯林斯解释为If a place provides shelter it provides you with a place to stay or live especially when you need protection from ba
Day 85词义辨析:LiableLikelyApt to可能的liable后面搭配不同意义不一样柯林斯解释很清晰liable to do something的意思是When something is liable to happen it is very likely to happen.在这层意思上但是liable可能性更大是很可能如:Only a small minority of the
Day 164词义辨析:ViewOpinionPointBeliefIdea观点看法view用作可数名词尤其是复数名词表示个人的意见态度对某个问题的想法见解柯林斯解释为Your views on something are the beliefs or opinions that you have about it for example whether you think it is good
Day 81词义辨析:KindSortType种类kind柯林斯解释比较准确If you talk about a particular kind of thing you are talking about one of the types or sorts of that thing.它用了one of the types or sort of that thing意味着kind算是type或
Day 89词义辨析:MainMajorKeyCentralPrincipalChief主要的main柯林斯解释为The main thing is the most important one of several similar things in a particular situation.指的是几个相同事物中最重要的一个即主要的最重要的它只用在名词前如:the main thing to
Day 106词义辨析:PainfulUpsettingTraumaticDistressingHarrowingAgonizing精神上痛苦的painful是指情形记忆或者经历痛苦的难受的恼人的柯林斯解释为Situations memories or experiences that are painful are difficult and unpleasant to deal with an
Day 158词义辨析: TrustConfidenceDependenceFaithReliance信任trust是指对人的品德和能力等绝对相信相信他不会故意做任何事情伤害你也可以指对某物的价值坚信不疑觉得是可靠的这种信任是基于经验可知的事实或者个人的直觉柯林斯解释为Your trust in someone is your belief that they are ho