渗流物理作业 (黑油模型) 流体物性1A liquid sample from a reservoir whose volume was 280.0 cc under reservoir condition was cooled to 20oC and the pressure released to 1atmosphere. The liquid volume was reduced t
第二章(黑油模型) 流体物性1A liquid sample from a reservoir whose volume was 280.0 cc under reservoir condition was cooled to 20oC and the pressure released to 1atmosphere. The liquid volume was reduced to 19
硕士研究生入学考试大纲 考试科目名称:渗流物理(渗流力学与油层物理)本大纲适用于报考石油工程专业的油气田开发工程方向的硕士研究生考题包括渗流力学和油层物理两部分内容其中渗流力学占50油层物理占50一主要参考书1秦积舜李爱芬主编《油层物理学》石油大学出版社2005.12张建国雷光伦张艳玉主编《油气层渗流力学》石油大学出版社2005.12二基本要求油层物理要求掌握与油气岩石有关的基本概念特点及其