
#政治辩论# 相关文档

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    Transcript: Second presidential debatePosted byN Political UnitN) - President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead New York Tuesday evening for the se

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    在支持率落后罗姆尼后2012年10月22日美国佛州第三场总统辩论扭转了双方局势助我们的黑人总统追平了其共和党对手罗姆尼在第三场美国总统候选人辩论结束后奥巴马和罗姆尼两家人走上辩论台辩论时的唇枪舌剑一扫而光场面非常温馨其乐融融在这里特整理了一份辩论发言文字版首发与广大学员共享Hoster:This is the fourth and last debate of the 2012 campai

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    Transcript: Second presidential debatePosted bN Political Unit N) - President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney met in Hempstead New York Tuesday evening for the se

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    (APPLAUSE) JIM LEHRER: Thirty seconds folks. Lets have a terrific evening for all of you and for our country. Good evening from the Magness Arena at the University of Denver in Denver Colorado. Im

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    Dear allYou can access to  HYPERLINK :.englishpost .englishpost to download the post of 1st debate of 2012 presidential election.2012 presidential debate: President Obama and M

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    2012 presidential debate: President Obama and Mitt Romneys remarks in Denver on Oct. 3 (running transcript)Here is apleted transcript of President Obama and Mitt Romneys remarks at the first pr

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  • 2012美国总统竞选电视辩论第一场文字稿.doc

    JIM LEHRER: Good evening from the Magness Arena at the University of Denver in Denver Colorado. Im Jim Lehrer of the PBS NewsHour and I wee you to the first of the 2012 presidential debates bet

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