单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Chaos and Its Applications吴晓群Xiaoqun WuSchool of Mathematics and statisticsWuhan UniversityE-mail: wuxiaoqunjjyahoo Stephen Haking(斯蒂芬.霍金)2000年指出我认为
Asymptotic Beha viour of the Domain of Analyticit y ofIn v arian t Curv es of the Standard MapT ere M. Seara and Jordi Villan uev aOctob er 18 1999Departamen t de Matematica Aplicada I Univ ersitat P
A survey of chaos andplexity RICHARD A. HUEBNER EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE ________________________________________________________________________ Chaos theory andplexity theory have been ar
Securemunication via adaptive synchronization between two different chaotic systems with uncertaintiesMeili Lin Jianping Cai Synchronization between two different chaotic systems with disturban