
#shyness# 相关文档

  • (大学英语作文)How_To_Avoid_Shyness.docx

    Shyness a harmful personality trait can always make many people feel unhappy. Everyone knows the saying everyone is born unique however we still all tend to feel that we are inferior. Why do people

    日期:2022-04-27 格式:.docx 页数:2页 大小:16.74KB 发布:
  • UNIT7Shyness.ppt

    单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级UNIT 7 ShynessBeing shy is a symptom of a low self-esteem. — Mokokoma MokhonoanaDictation嘉年华狂欢节高兴兴奋业余爱好者信使通讯兵一千年缅甸人缅甸语缅甸的葡萄牙人葡萄牙语跳板锦标赛联赛观众旁观者carnivalexhilarationama

    日期:2022-04-20 格式:.pptx 页数:11页 大小:542.5KB 发布:
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