Haga clic para cambiar el estilo de títuloHaga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrónSegundo nivelTercer nivelCuarto nivelQuinto nivelLeveraging XBRL on Banking Supervision Ignacio BoixoCOR
Click here to change the titleClick here to change the text2nd Level3rd Level4th Level5th Level XBRL OverviewGrant BoydGeneral Manager - Corporate Services with the InstituteCo - Chair of XBRL-N
Restructuring(Part of the earnings management bag of tricks)OverviewWhat is restructuringWhy can (diddoes) it cause financial reporting problemsThe SEC bes involvedRelevant accounting literature
Reporting Interpreting Cost of Goods Sold InventoryLibby Libby ShortSo far we have learned that Assets are reported on the balance sheet representing economic resources owned by thepany at a