SIGMOD June 2006Flexible and Efficient XML Search withplex Full-Text PredicatesSihem Amer-Yahia - ATT Labs Research → Yahoo ResearchEmiran Curtmola - University of California San DiegoAlin Deut
Introduction to Database SystemsCSE 444Lecture 1September 27 20061About MeDan Suciu:Joined the department in 2000Before that: Bell Labs ATT LabsResearch:Past: XML and semi-structured data:Query lang
Title goes hereECE 569 Database System EngineeringFall 2004This is our 1st Level Bulletthis is our 2nd level bulletthis is our 3rd level bulletThis is our next 1st Level Bulletthis is our 2nd level bu
Title goes hereFall 2004This is our 1st Level Bulletthis is our 2nd level bulletthis is our 3rd level bulletThis is our next 1st Level Bulletthis is our 2nd level bulletthis is our 3rd level bulletECE
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level11182009??Data WarehousingTanvi MadgavkarCSE 7330FALL 2009What is Data WarehousingRalph Ki