ZoologyZoon = animalLogos = study ofZoology = study of animalsZoology is the study of animal diversity the way they function live reproduce and and EvolutionAnimal life existed more than 600 millio
EvolutionandDarwinEvolutionThe processes that have transformed life on earth from its earliest forms to the vast diversity that characterizes it change in the genesOld Theories of EvolutionJean Bap
FOSSILSTraces of the past……What happened before Fossils are traces of things that happened long agoPlants and animals can be fossilsWe have only discovered a small number of the pl
Evolving EvolutionJohn Burdon Sanderson Haldane1892-1964Sindhu RaghunandanDarwinismObserves differences among members in a population and suggests evolution. Neo-Darwinism (George Romanes)New chapt
The Evolution of Mate Selection and Gender Roles in Advertisements Jillian ThomsonWhy is this importantThrough evolution and mankind we have learned that women are to make babies and men are to make
Evolution and the Fossil RecordThe Cambrian and BeyondThe nature of the fossil record How organic remains fossilize Four categories of fossilsdefined by method of formationpression and impressio
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelPhylogeny- A brief introduction in 4 hours -OutlineIntroductionPractical approachEvolution