Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelLHC UpgradeKai HockThe LHCMotivation and ActivitiesThe Science CaseTechnical Issues and Ch
Tommaso LariFare clic per modificare lo stile Fare clic per modificare gli stili del testo dello schemaSecondo livelloTerzo livelloQuarto livelloQuinto livelloJanuary 5th-9th 2009Supersymmetry measure
levelThird level? Imperial College London CALICE Readout Front End FPGA DevelopmentO. ZorbaCALICE 23102003 1? Imperial College LondonProgress ReportO. ZorbaCALICE 23102003Investigated the implicati
TitleSLHC Workshop Feb. 2004D.Acosta University of Florida Body TextSecond LevelThird LevelFourth LevelFifth LevelCSC L1 Trigger Rate2-station tracks3-station tracksBetter handle on rate reduction wit
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth leveleRHIC DesigneRHIC SchemesRD ItemsCost and ScheduleeRHIC ScopePolarized leptons3-20 GevPola