Haga clic para cambiar el estilo de títuloHaga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrónSegundo nivelTercer nivelCuarto nivelQuinto nivelLeveraging XBRL on Banking Supervision Ignacio BoixoCOR
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand XBRLAlan TeixeiraGeneral Manager – Standards and Quality AssuranceInstitute of Chartered Accountants of New ZealandMay 2004The NZX TaxonomySessio
Klicken Sie um das Titelformat zu bearbeitenKlicken Sie um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeitenZweite EbeneVierte EbeneFünfte EbenePUBLICBanque de France – ACP23112012?No?Birelle and BCDL XBRL
The Evolution to Basel IIXBRL and the Basel II Capital AccordDonald InscoeDeputy DirectorDivision of Insurance and . Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationXBRL International Tokyo Japan November 8 20
1. What is XBRLXBRL is a language for the electronicmunication of business and financial reporting information. It has been designed to provide benefits in the preparation analysis andmunic