April 1 2004CS151 Lecture 2CS15plexity TheoryLecture 2April 1 2004April 1 20041CS151 Lecture 2Time and SpaceA motivating question:Boolean formula with n nodesevaluate using O(log n) space ???101
arXiv: [] 11 Sep 2007On two notions ofplexity of algebraic numbersYANN BUGEAUD (Strasbourg) JAN-HENDRIK EVERTSE (Leiden)Abstract. We derive new improved lower bounds for the block-plexity o
A survey of chaos andplexity RICHARD A. HUEBNER EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE ________________________________________________________________________ Chaos theory andplexity theory have been ar
May 25 2004CS151 Lecture 16CS15plexity TheoryLecture 16May 25 2004May 25 20041CS151 Lecture 16approximation algorithmsProbabilistically Checkable Proofselements of the proof of the PCP TheoremMa
Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelputability Theoryanplexity TheoryCOT 6410putability TheoryThe study of what ca