Proportional Light in aDual Phase Xenon ChamberElena Aprilefor the XENON CollaborationPhysics Department and Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory Columbia University New YorkThe XENON CollaborationColum
DE = keV bins(2-6) keV: 清晰的年调制(6–20) keV: 拟合结果Sm=0 ?2 dof==2??=1 yr and t0= day年调制幅度的能量分布相位t与 2nd June的轻微的不同可以用非热暗物质的贡献(比如 SagDEG stream)来解释E (keV)Sm (cpdkgkeV)Zm (cpdkgkeV)Ym (cpdkgkeV)t
2011-1-21Purple Mountain Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences紫金山天文台中国科学院学术报告题 目:报告人:XSHD-2011-006Mapping the Milky Ways Dark Matter and Stellar Halo薛香香 博士摘 要:(国家天文台)Through spectroscopy of