
#Standard English# 相关文档

  • Unit2Englisharoundthewld.doc

    Unit 2 English around the worldTopic: American English British English standard EnglishVocabularies and phrases: elevator petrol gas offi

    日期:2022-05-21 格式:.docx 页数:5页 大小:102KB 发布:
  • StardEnglishAAVE.ppt

    Standard English and AAVEThis lesson borrows heavily from Peter Trudgills paper Standard English: What it isnt (in Trudgill P. (2002). Sociolinguistic Variation and Change. Washington DC George Was

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:19页 大小:83KB 发布:
  • 1
  • 1/1页

