
#Consumer Protection# 相关文档

  • ProtectingEducatingConsumersintheFinancialSect.ppt

    Protecting and Educating Consumers in the Financial SectorOECD ParisJune 15 2009Brian Branch Executive Vice President Chief Operating OfficerWorld Council of Credit UnionsConsumer Protection and Ed

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:15页 大小:208KB 发布:
  • ConsumerProtection.ppt

    Consumer ProtectionSource: Manual on Consumer ProtectionUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)2004Overview: Three broad categories1. Consumer Protection SystemPolicies laws inst

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:94页 大小:453.5KB 发布:
  • 1
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