line LevelNinth LevelFig. 6 CHEMS dust counting rates for Rev . G. Mitchell et al. Science 2018362:eaat2236Copyright ? 2018 The Authors some rights reserved exclusive licensee American Association f
大气层:结构(大气层 温度-高度曲线图)大气中的化学反应:气溶胶产生和消除机制臭氧:臭氧浓度随高度分布(图) 10 ppmvtropopause40 ppbv臭氧温度-高度浓度-高度图chapman theory 臭氧产生机制(化学方程式)臭氧消耗机制:臭氧空洞的形成(化学方程式)(消耗Paul Crutzen指出氮的氧化物(NO和NO2 )在与O3反应时作为催化剂因此使了臭氧含量的降低更为
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Study of the Atmospheric Degradation Radiative Forcing and Global Warming Potentials of CH2FCH2OH CHF2CH2OH and CF3CH2OHS. R. Sellev?ga G. Myhreb J. K. Sundetb and C. J. Nielsenaa Department of Chem