Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelEmigration from Mexico to the USPaul R EarlFacultad de Ciencias BiológicasUniversidad Autó
家鄉先民大多數是從下列哪些地區渡海而來 eq oac(○1)江西廣西一帶 eq oac(○2)福建廣東沿海 eq oac(○3)山東山西一帶 eq oac(○4)江蘇浙江沿海《答案》2
美国部分 Chapter14 WASPs:Traditionally the mainstreams American were called WASPs that is White Anglo—Saxon Protestants. Indentured Servants契约劳工:Indentured servants refer to some immigrants who had to