
#Health Physics# 相关文档

  • RadiationEffects.ppt

    Radiation Effects?Health Physics SocietyQuestionsHow much radiation does it take to cause a persons risk for a health effect to increase What are the health effects that can occur if there is eno

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:25页 大小:1.14MB 发布:
  • WhatWeKnowWhatWeDontKnowAboutRadiation....ppt

    What We Know and What We Dont Know About Radiation Health EffectsAn Educational Briefing By TheHEALTH PHYSICS SOCIETYSpecialists In Radiation SafetyMarch 28 2001Presentation AgendaRadiation Exposure

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:44页 大小:637.5KB 发布:
  • RadiationBenefitRiskAssessment.ppt

    Radiation Benefit and Risk Assessment?Health Physics SocietyRiskProbability of harmful effects on a humanHealth risks of radiation exposure can only be estimated with a reasonable degree of scientif

    日期:2022-04-25 格式:.pptx 页数:19页 大小:342KB 发布:
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