Parametric Shapes LightingJared JacksonStanford - CS 348bJune 6 2003- or -How I Went toStanford Graduate Schoolto Learn Basket WeavingShapes from Parametric PathsA parametric path in multiple dimen
ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Luminaires Eligibility Criteria – Version DRAFT 2 Note: This specification replaces the ENERGY STAR Residential Light Fixtures and Solid State Lighting Lumina
Body ElectricalLightinbination MeterAir ConditionerNavigation SystemTOYOTA Parking Assist SystemPower Window SystemDoor Lock Control SystemWireless Door Lock Remote ControlTheft Deterrent System
BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 13032-1:2004Light and lighting — Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires —Part 1: Measurement and file formatThe European Standard EN 13032-1:200