
#algebraic geometry# 相关文档

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    arXiv: [] 10 Mar 2008THE FR OBENIUS A CTION ON RANK 2 VECTOR BUNDLES O VERCUR VES IN SMALL GENUS AND SMALL CHARA CTERISTICLA URENT DUCR OHETAbstra t. Let X b e a general prop er and smo oth urv e of

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  • On_quadratic_and_higher_normality_of_small_codimension_projective_varieties.pdf

    arXiv:math0002140v2 [] 29 Feb 2000ON QUADRATIC AND HIGHER NORMALITY OF SMALLCODIMENSION PROJECTIVE VARIETIESCHIARA BRANDIGIAbstract. Ran proved that smooth codimension 2 varieties in Pm2are j-normal

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  • algebraic.pdf

    On represen tation v arieties of Artin groups pro jectiv earrangemen ts and the fundamen tal groups of smo othplexalgebraic v arietiesMic hael Kap o vic h and John J. MillsonyJune 9 1999AbstractW

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  • Lastupdate06022012godz1210.doc

    Last update: godz. 12:10I. ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRYTeam leader: Prof. dr hab. Piotr : prof. dr hab. Slawomir Cynkdr hab. Slawomir Rams (Jagiellonian University) dr hab. Halszka Tutaj-Gasinska (Jagiellon

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  • Intersections_of_Leray_Complexes_and_Regularity_of_Monomial_Ideals.pdf

    Intersections of Lerayplexes andRegularity of Monomial IdealsGil KalaiRoy MeshulamDecember 13 2005AbstractForasimpliciaplexX andaeldKlethi(X) = dimHi(XK).It is shown that if XY areplexes o

    日期:2023-02-21 格式:.pdf 页数:9页 大小:159.18KB 发布:

    CONTINUOUS MORA V A K-THEOR Y ANDTHE GEOMETR Y OF THE In-ADIC TO WERANDREW BAKER JOHN HUNTONx1 In tro ductionThis article concernspleted cohomology theories and the top ology of thespaces whic h

    日期:2023-02-16 格式:.pdf 页数:13页 大小:172.29KB 发布:

    EULER CHARACTERISTICS IN RELATIVE K-GROUPSM. FLACH1. IntroductionSuppose M is a nite module under the Galois group of a local or global since Tates papers [17] [18] one has a simple and explicit form

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  • An_algebraic_geometric_realization_of_the_Chern_character.pdf

    arXiv:math9912152v1 [] 18 Dec 1999AN ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRIC REALIZATION OF THE CHERNCHARACTERRALPH L. COHEN AND PAULO LIMA-FILHOContents1. Introduction 22. Symmetric Products and Symmetrized Grassmannn

    日期:2023-02-18 格式:.pdf 页数:44页 大小:422.34KB 发布:
  • Fano_varieties_with_high_degree.pdf

    arXiv:math9904036v1 [] 8 Apr 1999FANO VARIETIES WITH HIGH DEGREEOLIVIER DEBARREA Fano varietyisa smoothprojectivevarietydened Yaus proof of Calabis conjecture ([Y1] [Y2])plex Fano varieties are

    日期:2023-02-22 格式:.pdf 页数:5页 大小:117.17KB 发布:
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