2011-2012-1 期末口语测试题库1. A and B are talking about naked wedding. A explains the meaning of naked wedding to B and says it is very romantic for young couples. But B holds that it is unacceptable. 2. A a
2013—2014学年第一学期大学英语(三)口语考试(2012级普通本科班) (考试时间:第17-18周)Directions: In the following there are 20 questions. Youre asked to draw lots to choose one question from them to test
口语考试建议形式:考生随机抽取话题并对此话题进行时长不超过2分钟的个人陈述 Some people choose a major that may guarantee them a good job. Other people choose a major out their personal interest in that area. Which do you think is a good
2012-2013学年第一学期后溪中心小学五年级英语口语测试卷一、我会唱歌曲或歌谣 (共3★)请你唱或说一首自己最喜欢、最熟悉的英语歌曲或者歌谣。歌谣和歌曲的内容均来自五年级上册英语书,学生四人为一小组,由学生自选或教师准备的歌谣中抽取一首等形式,让学生吟唱一首英语歌曲或歌谣。评价标准:吐字清晰准确得1★,说唱有感情得1★,节奏感强得1★,总计3★。二、我会读单词(共5★)A 组 : kindT
复杂的plex抽象的 abstract偏见 prejudice 最小的最少的 minimum 消除 eliminate 说服某人persuade 不可避免的unavoidable 强调 emphasize 区别差异distinction 经历undergo 认为 assume 姿势 gesture占据 occupy让步迁就 concession 无知 ignorance接近 approac
小学数学科学2013-2014学年下学期工作总结2014-2015学年上学期工作计划2013-2014学年下学期工作总结本学期霞山区小学数学科学教研工作在区教育局的正确下在全区中小学的共同努力下主要开展了以下工作:1.组织小学数学教师参加全国社区网络平台 专题研修活动2.《读懂课标读懂教材读懂学生落实四基四能之实践探索》获全国新世纪小学数学教育研究课题立项 3.组织兼职教研员下学校进行常规教
11级2012-2013(1)期末口语考试话题 A班1. The fame gameOur textbook tells us An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who when he captures it doesnt know what else to do but to continue chasing
2014--2015第二学期 =E4BA94E5B9B4E7BAA7E4B88AE5868CE88BB1E8AFADie=utf-8src=se_lighten_f t _1pjcs201010_blank 五年级英语期中检测Listening part(听力部分)听音补全单词所缺少的字母并写出汉意(12分) ( ?) 1._ _ay ______ (? )2._ _