WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWhere were you when……the Beijing Olympics opened…you heard Michael Jackson died…you met your best friendI was with my friends when…I can’t remember where I was!
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWhere were you when……the Beijing Olympics opened…you heard Michael Jackson died…you met your best friendI was with my friends when…I can’t remember where I was!
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWhere were you when……the Beijing Olympics opened…you heard Michael Jackson died…you met your best friendI was with my friends when…I can’t remember where I was!
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWhere were you when……the Beijing Olympics opened…you heard Michael Jackson died…you met your best friendI was with my friends when…I can’t remember where I was!
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceWhere were you when……the Beijing Olympics opened…you heard Michael Jackson died…you met your best friendI was with my friends when…I can’t remember where I was!
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What do YOU like doing in your free timeWarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceFace-to-FaceTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing out!Habits and RoutinesWhat can we do in our free timeKey languageAsk your partne
WarmerElementaryFace-to-FaceWhat problems can we have with our bodiesTitle pageElementary Face-to-FaceGoing to the doctor’sAt the doctor’sMedical problemsVocabularyElementaryFace-to-FaceMatch the medi