GCT英语对话1. Bob: Can I help with your luggage Mary: __________________________. a. Nothanks.I can manage it. b. NoMany thanks.I can do. c. Nonot necessary.Thank you anyway. d. Noyou neednt.Thank yo
求 职 英 语Family EnglishShanghai SpokenBusiness English Training Expert HYPERLINK :.familyenglish .familyenglishHotline:400-670-9199目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc232659319
一?错误原因:音型相近 自暴(抱)自弃针砭(贬)辐(幅)射安(按)装黄粱(梁)美梦重叠(迭)精粹(萃)度(渡)假村一副(幅)对联震撼(憾)凑合(和)言简意赅(骇)草菅(管)人命打蜡(腊)啰(罗)唆候(侯)车室矫(娇)揉造作脉搏(博)即(既)使挖墙脚(角)脍(烩)炙人口妨(防)碍瞭(了)望蓝(兰)天白云萎靡(糜)不振杀戮(戳)痉(孪)挛老两(俩)口罄(磬)竹难书沉湎(缅)修葺(茸)大拇(姆)指
1. Komm her?? 过来?(1) A: Komm her Schau was du angestellt hast过来看看你干的好事?????B: Papa schlag mich bitte nicht 爸爸你千万别打我?(2) A: Komm her Was für eine Blume ist das 过来你看看这是什么花???? B: Wohl eine Rose. 玫瑰花吧
中华GCT 考试网:100g
知识改变命运 勤奋塑造成功整理人落叶时间 2011-4-15天才是百分之九十九的勤奋加百分之一的灵感英语口语情景对话 一 祝愿祝贺和应答 (Good wishes congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope youll
2010年GCT串讲内部第三部分语文试卷二2010年GCT语文模拟试题(二)一选择题1.下列各组词语加点字读音完全相同的一组是( ) A.积极 通缉 即使 痛心疾首 B.讴歌 欧洲 殴打 呕心沥血 C.叨扰 韬晦 饕餮 滔滔不绝 D.桑梓 渣滓 仔细 莘莘学子2.对下列词加线语意义的解释不正确的一组是( ) A. 变更 (变动) 少不更 事(年纪轻经历
问路Excuse me. Can you tell how to get to the bus stationSorry to trouble you but could you direct me to the bus stationCan you tell me the way to the bus stationExcuse me. How can I get to the neare
太奇2007年GCT联考辅导英语串讲【内部】:.gct-me .tqgct 创造21世纪辉煌全国工程硕士专业学位研究生入学考前辅导第一章词汇构词法:派生法:前缀:(1) 否定:d
2.The value of life 人生价值 A: Hi xxx How are you those days B: Oh yes Im fine what about you A: Im fine too thank you. Do you mind me ask some question for youB: Thats certainly as long as I