四上填空卷 1浪潮越来越近犹如 浩浩荡荡地 那声音如同___________好像大地都被震得______________ 2钱塘江大潮自古以来被称为______________3《鸟的天堂》这篇课文的是 课文共 次提到鸟的天堂4那天是我的眼睛欺骗了我那鸟的天堂的确
I. 选择填空 1. Little Bobby knows that he should not take things that do not belong to ________. A. himself B. him C. his D. his own 2. —Will anyone go on a trip with him —Not ________.
新GRE填空之三空填空题练习目前新GRE填空题的复习还较少环球北美考试院为大家整理了有关新GRE填空题三空选择题复习分享给大家希望对考生有所帮助 1. In Democracies and its Critics Robert Dahl defends both democratic value and pluralist democracies or polyarchies. D
选词填空练习题学校:_____________ 班别:_______________ :_________________因为……所以…… ?如果……就……? 不管……都……__我们是为人民服务的__我们有缺点__不怕别人批评指出__是什么人谁向我们提出_行成绩? 成果 ?成就我们既要看到工作中的__又要看到工作中存在的问题我们要积极
填空专项练习__________长方体与正方体长方体与正方体的认识 1一个长方体的棱长是8厘米宽6厘米高5厘米棱长总和是( )厘米 2一个正方体的棱长总和是24厘米它的一条棱的长度是( )厘米 3如果做一个长10厘米宽5厘米高6厘米的长方体框架至少需要铁丝( )厘米 4一个长方体棱长总和是144米它的长是10米宽8米高是( )米㈡长方体与正方体的表面积 1一
(一)用一般现在时或现在进行时填空Look It ________(rain). It seldom ________(rain) this time. Bill Gates _________(use) thisputer but he __________(not use) it at the t be late Jane the train ________(start) at si
完型填空练习1. Directions: There are a number of blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A) B) C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. The
窈窕淑女日月之行若出其中我寄愁心与明月长风破浪会有时安得广厦千万间会当凌绝顶忽如一夜春风来报君黄金台上意?沉舟侧畔千帆过乱花渐欲迷人眼东风不与周郎便商女不知亡国恨何当共剪西窗烛不畏浮云遮望眼人生自古谁无死山重水复疑无路落红不是无情物无边落木萧萧下绿杨烟外晓寒轻问君能有几多愁粉身碎骨浑不怕战士军前半死生东边日出西边雨霜禽欲下先偷眼人有悲欢离合 此事古难全
Passage (1)Cars are too expensive for many people around the world to own. Not only that many cities are already full of traffic and many country areas have rough roads. So1_______ do people travel
Life HistoryTwenty-three-year-old Michael Phelps has be a phenomenon (神话) in Phelps the worlds greatest swimmer is really proud of his record-breaking eighth Olympic gold medal win. He says that