1)我的书包My BackpackI have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very hard-working because I keep all my school things in it. It is ve
1)我的书包My BackpackI havea backpack It is large and it is blue It is a birthday gift from my parents I love it very much It is very hard-working, because I keep all my school things in it It is very h
小学英语毕业考必背英语作文 My bedroomHi my name is Anne. Look this is my HYPERLINK t _blank bedroom.Its small but nice. I have a big bed and it is v
2007年12月作文:1各大学开设了各种各样的选修课2学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课3以你自己为例…… What Electives To Choose With the reform of Chinese higher education more and more colleges and universities put emphasis on nurturing students
小学英语作文范文(必背)1根据给出的材料写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划SaturdaySundayread a magazinego to the zoobuy a book learn Kungfuwatch TVMike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read
梅花颂 梅花是中国的传统名花也是中国的国花梅花在我国已有3000年的栽培历史深受广大人民群众的喜爱历来为文人画家名人志士所倾倒梅花花开五瓣象征着五福即:快乐幸福长寿顺利太平 梅花名列中国十大传统名花之首为花中之魁它冰中孕蕾雪里开花形神兼备色香韵姿俱佳独领天下之春它不畏严寒坚毅刚韧顽强的斗争精神及玉骨冰心圣洁高雅不要人夸好颜色只留清气满乾坤的高贵品质历来就是中华民族崇高道德风范
写房间 My room 我的房间 My room is small but its very nice. There is a bed a desk and a closet. There are two tables near the bed. I can see aputer and a blue lamp on the desk.