雅思写作经典句 =E58699E4BD9C t _blank 写作 =E7BB8FE585B8 t _blank 经典 =E99B85E6809D t _blank 雅思雅思写作经典句第一部分用于雅思小作文开头部分经典句型1通过第一个曲线图我们可以知道____也说明了结果是___? ?According to the first graph it can be seen th
句子就是财富句子就是一切这些句子是从近百篇雅思优秀作文中摘录下来并经反复推敲提炼而成的.对于复习时间短基础较薄弱的朋友能够在短期内熟悉且背诵这些经典句子无疑是准备雅思考试的捷径 2010129 according to a recent survey four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依
雅思考官总结写作范文经典句型鉴赏及套句S=subject Y=year N=number F=fact P=place M=modifier O=opinion st=some time sb=some body sth=some thing sw=some whereTask OneThe chart shows that the percentage of British households
1.The most effective means to solve this problem is that ______________. In that case ______________.2. Everything has its own two sides no exception with AAA. For one thing ______________. for ano
雅思段落扩展的几种常见方式:????文章来源:无忧雅思网??发布日期:2008-01-29 13:30:?? 麻雀虽小五脏俱全一个段落就像一篇文章一样也有主题句扩展句和结尾句主题句是段落的核心但要记住一个段落只有一个中心这个中心要清晰地表达出来扩展句围绕主题句进行叙述说明或论述方法各异结尾句对本段的内容进行总结和主题句相呼应引发读者对段落的进一步认识结尾句可有可无视内容而定 段落的扩展有
秋风清秋月明落叶聚还散寒鸦栖复惊雅思8分作文经典900句:议论文经典语句 2008-04-30 14:07:24??来源:昂立英语??????标签:英语? ??????? 1.结交朋友本身就是件有意义的事情因为这可以使学生们更加喜欢自己的班级而这种状况从长远角度讲肯定是有利于学习成效的 Making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the
雅思写作辅导:广告与媒体问题Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements frompetingpanies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements What measures can be taken
6. Should governments spend money on art when they have so many other important issues and concerns You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and s